Thursday, February 1, 2018

The Diamond

It would be so much easier to write this on a day or a moment I actually feel like a warrior, but if I wait for that moment to come at a time when I also can sit and write, this idea will just end up floating into oblivion.   Not because I haven't had good -warrior- moments in the last few days or weeks, but you'd have to understand that the warrior feature is something that comes and goes, waxes and wanes; it doesn't necessarily have a switch that we can turn on at will. 

At times it seems that we can turn on that switch at will, but it usually happens when our life or that of a loved one, or anyone for that matter, is in danger and their well-being depends on our ability to pull through and help, like a warrior.  It also seems, however, that we can help ourselves shift into warrior mode and pull through difficult situations when the right mood, inspiration or perspective comes through.  These may serve as a springboard to help us remember that we are, indeed, warriors.  Love warriors, that is.  Even amidst the chaos.

In the warrior mode we are able to do things we never expected we could.  In the right situation we grab a hold of that courage to pull through... wait, 'the right situation' doesn't exist... it is a matter of perspective.

Take a look at the picture below.  You may have missed it at a first glance but, it caught my attention a couple days ago when I was running at the park because the top of this tree looks like... a Diamond!

But then when you walk a little bit past that side of the tree, it looks different... not so much like a perfect diamond any more...

And if you just keep walking and go stand on the opposite side, you will see a tree that looks nothing like a diamond... 

It's a matter of perspective, the same as with life.  So may we choose to stand at the other side of things and find the Diamond side of it, for a perspective that helps us pull through and bring forth the warrior in us... Love warrior, that is... 

Marlene 💗

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The Diamond

It would be so much easier to write this on a day or a moment I actually feel like a warrior, but if I wait for that moment to come at a ti...